Automated Applicant Verification that works the way you do

See 100% verified applicant analyses immediately, designed to integrate easily into your existing software platform.

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Flexible enough to fit your team’s current workflow

We offer 3 ways to leverage automated income verification based on your requirements and business objectives

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1. Get started immediately through our portal

  • To start immediately, use our portal to send invites and then receive and manage income & identity verification requests. It takes zero investment on your end.

  • Also, you can place a link on your website or in an email to deliver no-cost automation out of the starting gate. This method directs all your applicants to complete the verification process with no involvement from your team.

2. Slipstream into existing processes using our rich integration tools

We integrate with many property management software either through API integrations or our browser extension, allowing you to send invites and receive reports seamlessly. This approach leaves you working within the management software you’re using already.

3. Embed us into your Software stack using our API

Our modern API makes it simple for your developers to quickly and easily include automated income verification in your in-house solution or in applications that you deliver to your customers. Custom integrations are often completed and live in less than a week.

Portfolio-wide analytics to reveal trends, track performance, and deliver insight

View completion rates, success rates, and usage metrics to understand how automated income verification transforms your business

Operation and Management tools to fit your workflow

Add, remove, and edit applicants after invites have been sent. Merge income reports to illustrate household finances.

Multi-level organizations and user management

We support permissions-based access so multi-level organizations will stay in compliance with business requirements.

Ready for
the next level?

No credit card required.